Which resource management task includes activating local resource requirements, if available?

Ordering and Acquiring is the resource management task that includes activating local resource requirements, if available. Ordering and Acquiring involves incident personnel and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff assessing resource needs and activating local resources before requesting additional resources through mutual aid or from higher levels of government.

Ordering and Acquiring is crucial for ensuring that resources are mobilized efficiently. Ordering and Acquiring allows responders to address immediate needs using local resources and enables the Incident Commander to maintain operational continuity as the incident evolves. For example, during a hurricane response, local emergency responders would be activated first before federal resources are requested.

Ordering and Acquiring is seen as vital because it ensures that local capabilities are leveraged before external resources are drawn in. This process supports both the scalability of response efforts and the efficient deployment of resources during incidents of all sizes.

Source: https://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is700b/handouts/national_incident_management%20system_third%20edition_october_2017.pdf