A guiding principle of the National Response Framework is that
A guiding principle of the National Response Framework is the Effective partnership relies on engaging all elements of the whole community.
Effective partnership relies on engaging all elements of the whole community and emphasizes that successful response and recovery efforts depend on the collective capacity and capabilities of governmental entities, businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), communities, and individuals.
From the perspective of emergency management professionals, this inclusive approach enhances resilience, leverages diverse resources, and ensures that the needs of the entire community are addressed during disasters.
Furthermore, this guiding principle highlights the value of shared responsibility and mutual support, reinforcing that preparedness and response are most effective when everyone contributes to and benefits from the collective safety and security efforts.
Source: https://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is800d/english/instructor%20guide/el0800.d%20ig.pdf
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